Wait a minute. I hate wasting money. And I could use a trip to the salon. This sounded promising. So I decided to throw caution into the wind. I clicked on the link.
First up was a list of suggestions for highlighting your hair at home. Most of them involved sunlight, but I found one that required no sun and only one ingredient: hydrogen peroxide.

I separated a few strands of hair and soaked them in peroxide. Then I wrapped them in aluminum foil, because I had a vague memory of my sister doing this back in high school. She'd worked as a receptionist for a hair salon, so clearly she was a hair-highlighting expert. I couldn't wait for my lustrous new locks.

Conclusion: Hydrogen peroxide works about as well now as it did back in high school. There are no new ingredients.

I scrubbed it in my skin. I took special care to exfoliate my lips, too, because the article said not to forget this often-neglected area. Interesting . . . this facial scrub tasted pretty darn good. I decided it was time to rinse in hot water before my facial scrub turned into dessert.

Conclusion: Yes, my face did feel exfoliated. I felt much more attractive, particularly to ants and flies. And I got to have a yummy afternoon snack, too. I'm not sure if my brighter, healthier skin was from the homemade facial scrub or the Brillo pad, though.

Arguably, I should have stopped here.

Except that when I googled her picture, I found a much more intriguing look. One that I knew I could pull off. Sleek. Sophisticated. Scary. And I had all of the tools (and props) I needed right here at home. I decided to go for it.
And so, my droogs, I finished off my home makeover in style. Pretty? Maybe not. But I felt like a bolshy devotchka. And really, isn't that the point of it all?