First off, I've been picking on Bing Crosby an awful lot lately. I sort of feel bad about that. After all, what did he ever do to me except sing 40 bajillion holiday songs that I've been listening to ad nauseum since early October? (And listen, Lite 100.5 WRCH, there is NO CALL to continue playing that Christmas crap AFTER Dec. 25th. But I digress.)
In 2013, I resolve to find a new crooner upon whom I can heap my abuse. I'm looking at you, Frank!
Next up, I'm a little concerned about my weight. I'm getting tired of looking at these love handles. Next year, I resolve to buy more long sweaters so I won't have to see 'em.

Sure, these resolutions will require self-discipline, hard work, and a lot of willpower on my part. But I'm willing to sacrifice. What are YOU planning to do in 2013?