The following is a true story: I found out on Mother’s Day that my sister-in-law’s sister-in-law (or, my brother-in-law’s sister) was reading my blog when her water broke. Some time later, on Easter, Arthur Henry Hallas was born. I like to think that Pam’s water broke because she was laughing so hard. That’s what I’ve been telling people, anyway.
Besides relishing in the thrill of helping to bring a new life in to this world, I've been thinking: there’s a huge marketing opportunity somewhere in this, I’m sure of it. Let’s think about some tried-and-true methods for inducing labor, and why reading my blog is better.
Congratulations, Pam and Jim! Author's Note: Many thanks to Linda Orlomoski, who, when I said "Boy, I've got nothing to blog about this week," kindly pointed out "It's Mother's Day, stupid!"
Every time I check my teeth in the mirror of the public bathroom to make sure I don’t have anything caught there, I like to say two words to the image blinking back at me: Hello, Mother. It’s true. The very habit I used to mock my mother for manifests itself every time I am out in public and see a mirror. The urge to flash my teeth to check for stray spinach in my incisors is impossible to resist, despite the fact that I hate spinach and haven't eaten it in decades. It turns out that Mom had a few good ideas that I initially brushed off as ridiculous. Now that I’m older, I’m starting to see the soundness of some of Mom’s advice. Take a look at the following list sage advice learned from my mother, all proven to be true:
AuthorPretty and perfect in every way. Archives
February 2020