Am I shallow? Sure. He's pretty to look at. He comes in at #10, however, and not higher, because I don't like how he treated his ex-wife. But, I repeat, he sure is pretty to look at. How's his acting? Who knows? I've never paid much attention.

You'll sense a pattern here. Namely, the "sure is pretty to look at" pattern. I actually had to look this guy's name up for this list. Ironically, I don't find him that sexy when he's not in a skirt, dressed up as Thor. And the long hair--I totally dig the long hair. Which is ironic, because three of the guys on this list have no hair. But I digress. Thor: sexy as heck.

Finally! A sexy actor who could actually act! But why is he only at #8? Because Coop, for all of his fabulousness, did not treat his wife very well either. He cheated on her all the time. So while I'll always love you, Mr. Deeds, I can't condone that kind of behavior.

This man is hot. Sooo hot. Plus, he can kick Brad Pitt's butt. Sure, you're thinking, but I'm pretty sure that guy in the Thor skirt could act circles around Vin Diesel, and that's not saying much. Who cares? Vin Diesel could snap that guy in half! The list says sexy, people, not talented. Go on. I'll give you a moment to admire his picture a little more.

Sexy, and I would argue that he's not a bad actor, either. Sure, he's no Ian McKellen on the screen (brilliant, but not that sexy) but he's kind of funny. Also, if you ever watch an interview with him, he's got a fun and likable personality. Two yums up.

I find Michelle Rodriguez to be one of the sexiest and kick-a** woman to ever grace the silver screen. I can't get enough of this woman. My biggest problem is that she's usually killed off in every movie she appears in (though not Machete, which is why I'll be seeing the sequel on opening night). Can she act? Why are you people so hung up on that one minor detail?
Interesting side note: One of my all-time favorite movies is Fast & Furious 6, which should surprise nobody considering this and the previous two entries on this list.

I'm not talking about Sam Elliott circa 2013. He's three years older than my dad, and that's just icky. I'm talking about Sam Elliott circa Frogs. The older I get, the more I like Sam Elliott circa Tombstone, too. He's a cowboy. Cowboys are sexy. Plus, he's usually one of the good guys. And he's got that gravelly voice. Good guy cowboys with gravelly voices are HOT.

Yul Brynner was incredibly sexy. I'm not talking about Yul Brynner in his later years, when he was croaking out anti-smoking commercials. That Yul Brynner was gross. I'm talking about Yul as the smoldering Rameses in The Ten Commandments. Honestly, I don't blame him for resenting Moses so much. After all, Rameses was the handsome, royal heir to the Egyptian throne, yet Moses got all the glory and the chicks. Doesn't seem fair to me.

He's a fabulous actor, a genuinely decent human being, and beautiful to look at. Anyone who dares to disagree with those statements deserves to spend an eternity in hell, watching Vin Diesel movies. Denzel Washington is practically perfect in every way. Sexy, sexy, sexy!

Look. At. This. Man.
Marlon Brando was so sexy that other, lesser actors were able to make a decent living imitating him even though they couldn't act (I'm looking at you, James Dean). He was sensitive, brooding, and brilliant. As Stanley Kowalski, Terry Malloy, or Don Vito Corleone, he was fascinating and seductive. (Maybe not so much seductive as Don Vito. But still enthralling.)
Sure, he got a little obese and bizarre as he got older, but he still managed to captivate his audience (remember The Freshman? Or The Island of Dr. Moreau? Fabulous! And weird.) Marlon Brando is still my favorite actor of all time, no matter how many men in Thor skirts you throw at me. He was an acting genius. And gorgeous.
So there you have it. My ten sexiest actors of all time. Disagree with me if you like; I don't care. I filled a whole blog post, and got to talk about Brando and Brynner, so I'm happy. See you next week!