Here are my top five:

Psych! I’ve already seen Expendables 3! And, in a sentence I never thought I’d write, Antonio Banderas and Wesley Snipes are the best things about the movie. Watching Banderas reminded me of something important: this guy voiced my very favorite cartoon cat ever. Yes, that’s right: at this very moment, I love Antonio Banderas not as an actor, but as Puss in Boots. (photo courtesy of

Earlier in the week, we got a free Redbox code, and the only movie that looked vaguely interesting was Her. This made me remember that Joaquin Phoenix, who stars in the film, is great at immersing himself in a role. Sure, he’s nuttier than Dahmer at dinnertime, but this guy can act. He was a wonderful bad guy as Commodus in Gladiator and entertaining as goofy Uncle Merrill in Signs. Plus, it’s fun to say his name: Wauh-keen! (photo courtesy of

Recently, a friend and I were discussing endless Hollywood reboots, which led to a discussion of old Universal monsters, which segued to a reflection on Gary Oldman in the title role of Dracula (1992). My friend refused to admit that Oldman was the most electrifying and dynamic vampire he’d ever seen. We are no longer speaking, because my friend is wrong.
Oldman is simply amazing. From his turns as Lee Harvey Oswald in JFK to Carnegie in The Book of Eli, his performances are what inspire ordinary shleps to think about becoming actors. I don’t know why anyone else in the world even bothers trying. They’ll never be as good as this guy. Also, his Dracula was hot. (photo courtesy of

When I’m ironing my clothes for the week, I like to let Netflix streaming do its thing. Netflix suggested I might like the BBC’s Sherlock, and they were right. Benedict Cumberbatch is brilliant in the title role. Perhaps I should’ve noticed him more in Atonement, except that I hated that book and refused to watch the movie. I guess he was in The Other Boleyn Girl, too, but Scarlet Johansson’s perpetually heaving bosoms must have distracted me. I did love him as (outdated spoiler alert!) Khan in Star Trek: Into Darkness. He’s smart, funny, and fascinating. Thanks for creepily predicting that I’d love him, Netflix. (photo courtesy of

Yes, I’m going to say it: as of today, August 15, 2014, Michael C. Hall is the best actor in the world, hands down. I work with a guy who looks a little bit like him, which is why I’m thinking about him today. Hall was amazeballs as David Fisher in Six Feet Under. I thought that nobody could ever top that performance. Then, when Hall was cast in the title role of Dexter, I thought those casting agents are nuts. Nobody will ever accept David Fisher as a calculating serial killer with a skewed sense of justice. Well, color me crazy, because I was totally wrong. I’d forgotten, apparently, that Hall is the best actor in the world. Within two minutes of watching the first episode of Dexter I’d forgotten that David Fisher ever existed, and was completely enamored with Dexter Morgan.
Fun fact: For the longest time, my sister refused to believe that Hall wasn’t gay, simply because of how incredibly realistic his portrayal of David Fisher was. Now she’s not entirely convinced that Hall isn’t a serial killer. THAT’s how good he is. (photo courtesy of
There you have it: my favorite actors today. Tomorrow, I plan to watch old reruns of the Incredible Hulk while cleaning the house, so if you hear me gushing about Lou Ferrigno’s acting range . . . well, you’ll understand.