We lost a few days to Hurricane Sandy, and then a few more to a nor'easter. Jason scheduled a bunch of New England Horror Writers events in October and November (yup, I'm blaming him) and then he gave me a horrible sinus infection (it was either him or our friend, Typhoid Barry, but it's easier to blame Jason since I live with him) However, despite these odds, we are opening!
This doesn't mean I haven't begged my family to come help me. I have my mother and aunt coming over today to alphabetize and stock shelves. My brother-in-law Brian is stopping by to fix the light that's been flickering and giving me the spins. My friend Kathy is out shopping for curtains for the windows in the YA room, and I have even called on those who have passed on for help. ("For the love all things sacred, Grandma Mitzi, if you see where I left the hammer, please direct me towards it.") (It was behind the toilet, in a pile of dead, shriveled bugs. I suspect my late Grandma Annie put it there in the first place - she was quite the card. But I digress.)
This weekend is going to be a flurry of stocking books and running out for last minute things we've forgotten (for instance, we picked up a coffee pot to offer free hot caffeine to our shoppers, but no cups to pour it in) and then, we will officially be a store! Stop on by 514 Westchester Road in Colchester and say "hi" or I will never speak to you again. See you there!