If you look closely at this snapshot, you'll see all kinds of stuff: maybe a little Queen Anne's Lace, some poison ivy, and a weird-leafed plant that looks a lot like marijuana but I have heard from a reliable source is not.
In other words, weeds (and again, let me reiterate, not weed).

Can you see the turtles in this photo? Me neither. But that stupid little kid kept insisting there were some on a log in the water past the trees here.
I think that kid was a dirty rotten liar.

Well, what do you know. Yup, that right there is a rabbit. Tiny one, too. One might call it "cute." Of course, if I wanted to see a rabbit, I could just look out my window to the back yard, where those evil little big-eared rodents like to relax and digest their meals after wreaking havoc on my garden. I've had to replant the lettuce twice already. So sure, yeah, seeing a bunny on the trail was exactly what I'd been hoping for.

My mouth watered. My lips smacked. And then, right as I was about to bite in, the little liar kid from earlier shouted, "Mushroom!"
Except, in a cruel twist of fate, he was not fibbing.
I hate mushrooms. Incidentally, in case it's not clear yet, I'm not too fond of nature at the moment, either.

What? You thought I was kidding about the belly bag?