I could tell you about last weekend, I suppose. Like how on Saturday, at the Connecticut HorrorFest, I kept seeing this big guy walking around and I kept doing double takes, because this man was a dead ringer for a wrestler from the nineties. But I’d seen the program. There were no wrestlers on the guest list. Couldn’t be him.

Didn’t matter. Johanna got a picture of all three of us anyway.

On Sunday, I was at the Middletown Open Air Market. Author Rob Watts joined me. We spent the day chatting about writing, publishing, eighties movies that do and do not hold up, and held a lengthy, meaningful, reflective conversation on lesser-known child actors and where they might be now. (Billy Jacoby, we salute you.) I also had a brisk day of trading gourds for baklava with the falafel truck next to us.
I might mention that Tricks and Treats: A Collection of Spooky Stories by Connecticut Authors came out this week. It’s a pretty spectacular anthology, if I do say so myself. Besides my contributions, there are stories from Melissa Crandall, John Valeri, Ryanne Strong, Dan Foley, Kristi Petersen Schoonover, g. Elmer Munson, Mark Twain, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, John G.C. Brainard, and Harriet Beecher Stowe. And guess who wrote the foreword (also spectacular)? That's right, the aforementioned Rob Watts! See how I came full circle there? Anyway, I’m proud of this collection, so be sure to check it out!
Look at that. I’m already at 400 words. You know what? I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.
Happy Labor Day, everyone!