For instance, one of my favorite holiday ditties is "Do They Know It's Christmas?" by Band Aid. I'll never forget how excited I was as a tween when I heard that my favorite comedian, Bobcat Goldthwait, was working with some of the most popular vocalists of the day to raise money for . . . something.
It turns out that it was not Bobcat Goldthwait of Police Academy fame working with these musicians, but Bob Geldof of the Boomtown Rats. Imagine my surprise when I did not hear Goldthwait's trademark "AAAUUAAAAAA!" anywhere in the song. But what I did hear was Duran Duran's own Simon LeBon harmonizing on the record, so I still loved it.
Let me clarify. According to this article from the Huffington Post, Bowie was supposed to sing "The Little Drummer Boy" in tandem with Bing. Bowie didn't want to, because when you're Ziggy Stardust, you don't give a rat's patootie about offending a legendary crooner like Bing Crosby. Atta boy.
So at the last minute, the writers for Bing's holiday special wrote an accompanying piece ("Peace on Earth") and Bowie . . . agreed to sing it. The result? A bizarre duet that is so uncomfortable to watch, it'll put you right in the "I'd rather be anywhere else but here" mood that's so common around the holidays.
In short, a Christmas miracle. Stacey's small grinch heart grew three sizes that day.
To this day, nothing gets me in the holiday spirit quite like the Violent Femmes' holiday ditty, "Dahmer Is Dead." Go on, have a listen. You can't tell me that doesn't evoke some sort of emotional reaction in you.