Seven days. Seven black-and-white photos of my life. No explanations.
Sounded like fun. I was in! Except, as it turns out, a lot of my photos . . . begged explanation. But explaining on Facebook was strictly against the rules. However, it sure would make a handy blog post!

This is my view every day of my desk, to the left of my computer. Why yes, that is Tom Petty in the photo, whose loss I'm still mourning and whose picture makes me smile when I feel down. (Turns out the best thing to help me shake the "Tom Petty's Dead Blues" is, in fact, Tom Petty.)
Otherwise, you've got a desk top and a pen holder. Pretty standard stuff.

Two of my favorite things: coffee, and a mug mocking other people's typos. I did have one Facebook friend who demanded to know where the mug came from (and wouldn't take "my totally awesome editing partner" for an answer), but mostly, I was worried about using this photo in this blog, because some, or more specifically my mother, might not find the mug amusing. One quick Google image search later for a censored tag, and I was good to go. Enjoy!
Side note: I posted this photo at about 8 a.m. on Day 2. Not one person questioned the time on the coffee pot. Guess they needed more coffee, too.

By this point, I was getting bored with the whole "seven days of photos" thing. As were my Facebook friends, no doubt. If they were even watching, though I suspect nobody cared.
I woke up Sunday and took this shot of my breakfast. I'd become one of those people who posted photos of their food. I was ashamed. I ate my jellybeans and pondered if I wanted to even bother continuing.

Yes, those are socks. Yes, I should probably throw them out, because there are toe-holes brewing there.
Yes, I was thoroughly bored with this project. But unfortunately, I'd made a commitment. Anyone who knows me knows that it is very difficult to get me to commit to anything. But they also know once I say I'll do something, by golly, I do it.
Only three days to go.

I work near Lego. And they have the best pedestrian crossing signs ever in their parking lot.
I sure was struggling to finish this stupid seven days of photos thing. I even cheated a little on this one: that's a sepia-tone photo, not straight black-and-white.

Here's the thing: my everyday life is pretty boring. I work, I drive home, I eat, I sleep. Rinse and repeat. If people really wanted a snapshot of what I see every day, well, they were gonna get it, warts and all.
This is the view of the right side of my desk. That's my zombie bobblehead, Gary. (I don't know why his name is Gary. He resembles no Gary I have ever known. All I know is he says his name is Gary.)
Gary likes to watch me edit on the computer, but he's never particularly helpful.
One day to go.

I made it—hooray! Finally!
Except now I was at work, I needed one more stinking picture, and I'd already covered my desk, the coffee pot, and the Lego sign. What was left?
This. This was left. It's the interior of the top drawer of my desk. Nothing too exciting—scissors, paperclips, coffee, a severed nose. Pretty run of the mill, but I didn't care. I was done!
And so are you. Thanks for sticking with me on this. Hopefully, we'll never have to take this journey together again.