Except my adult, sensible, non-Deadhead self has gotten a lot more vocal these days. And adult me was thinking, that's a lot of shaving cream to waste. Plus, where would I find the time?
Deadhead Stacey would not give up. You can put off finishing editing the manuscript that client is paying you good money to clean up! And maybe don't write a blog this week. I want tie-dyed eggs!
Adult Stacey was having none of it. I want to keep a roof over our heads, Adult Stacey said. That won't happen if we procrastinate on editing and waste shaving cream all willy-nilly. (Adult Stacey sometimes uses old-fashioned words like will- nilly.)
Deadhead Stacey gave it one last shot. Maybe we can convince Jason to use the food-coloring-smeared shaving cream?
We could not. And I'm sorry to report Deadhead Stacey might be gone for good.

It seemed simple enough. Buy some Peeps, melt some chocolate, and dip away. Except by Friday night, Adult Stacey was tired from fighting with the flighty Deadhead all week. She didn't have any sticks to impale the Peeps upon. Her back hurt.
In short, she wasn't going to waste her time melting chocolate and burning her fingertips trying to dip sugar-coated marshmallows into it. (Quite frankly, I don't blame her. My back hurt too.)
But a promise is a promise. Which is why I'd like to thank the Just Born company for reading my mind and creating prepackaged ChocoPeeps just for me. (Turns out Adult Stacey doesn't care about wasting money when it means she doesn't have to do any manual labor.

Keep in mind Adult Stacey balked at the idea of dipping Peeps in chocolate because it was too much work. There was no way I was going to take the time to cut the edges of the deviled eggs to look like shells, much less stick tiny bits on the egg filling to make it look like a baby chicken.
At this point, Creative Ideas Stacey decided to get on board with Adult Stacey's rather cranky and low maintenance attitude. Creative started whispering in Adult's ear, and I have to admit, what she was saying made sense. It was creative. It was low maintenance, requiring only eggs and a fork. I might actually be able to pull it off.
Behold: a cute little Do it Yourself Deviled Eggs Kit, which I will be bringing to my sister's exactly as it appears below.
Life is short. And eggs don't need to be cute.
Happy Easter to all who celebrate! And a very happy birthday to my nephew Nathan!