While sitting on the beach Sunday, my phone had one moment of clear 3G reception, and an email came through from one of the editors I've been waiting for a response from regarding a short story I submitted. He requested one small revision of an awkward scene transition, and if I would consider fixing it, I would be on the short list for the anthology he's putting together! It took me about 20 seconds to make the requested revision and send it back to him. Yay!
Then Jason caught a fish. It was a barely legal-sized scup, but we fried it up for dinner as a side dish. He did, of course, put pictures of his big catch up on Facebook.
On the ferry home today there was a woman wearing a T-shirt with her zip code plastered across her boobs. Jason looked it up and discovered it was the zip code for Greenwich, CT--the richest town in the nation. I plastered a big old fake smile on my face, approached the woman, and said, "Greenwich, right? I recognize the zip code because my housekeeper lives there."
So it was a good weekend all around!